A great way to compose a photograph, and make it look more interesting and balanced is by using reflections. Reflections are everywhere and can be in windows, shiny surfaces, puddles, lakes, rivers, almost anything shiny. Using reflections for your pictures can be especially helpful for Instagram type shots as it’s easier to compose square or portrait pictures.
Below you will find some examples of using reflections to enhance your pictures.
1. Rivers, canals, lakes etc.
Rivers, canals and lakes are common elements that are always great for reflections. You may not always get a perfect reflection, for example if the water is moving or it’s windy, but sometimes and often in the morning or late at night you may find the water perfectly calm, giving you mirror-like reflections.
2. Puddles
Puddles are great for reflections as long as it’s not rainy or windy. If you ever see a puddle near something interesting, crouch down low and see if there is a reflection. Sometimes it just doesn’t work, but then sometimes you get a perfect puddle that will transform an image.
3. Shiny objects
Dark-coloured cars are another way you can get reflection images. Whenever you are walking around keep an eye out for the roof or bonnet (hood) of cars. Even the doors may add an opportunity.
4. Windows and glass
When walking around keep an eye out for windows and glass that may be reflective. This can allow you to create a cool mirrored shot such as below. Sometimes you may also see other marks and objects in the reflection that you may not want. This might be possible to be removed using Photoshop or another cool though.
Using reflections in your images is a great way to create a more balanced and interesting image. As well as this taking such images is fun and when posting on social you might find engagement towards such images is also much better.